Charli3 is proud to announce an upcoming integration with Spores Network’s NFT platform
The decision to partner with Spores Network came naturally, to give them the lowest barrier to entry to Cardano. Using our oracle services we will initially aid in completing cross-chain transactions from ERC20 to CNT, and hopefully to other chains in the future.
Also, Charli3 intends to list future series of high-quality NFTs through the Spores platform for the community on Cardano.
We wanted to pair with Spores to aid in their oracle needs and transfer to Cardano, as well as to showcase our high-quality ultra-rare unique NFT series, such as the current precursor series.
Spores Network stands to benefit from Charli3 in the following ways:
🔹 Multi-oracle node consensus
🔹 Forced node staking, utilizing the native token
🔹 Multiple redundant oracle networks
🔹 A trustless network of systems to prevent Sybil attacks
🔹 Aggressive node reputation and validation
“Both us and Charli3 have many natural fit that I think brought us together, as we both IDO on cardstarter and both aim to build on the Cardano ecosystem and commit to delivering high quality works to our community. Partnership with Charli3 will further enable us to enable proper pricing and also as an important step in our journey to expand into Defi later. We are very excited to have Charli3 NFTs to list with us as they bring unique artistic touch which we resonate with.” — Eric Hung Nguyen, CEO & Co-Founder of Spores Network
“We felt Spores is a natural fit for our oracles into the NFT space as they are part of the cardstarter network and are aiming at quality, trusted work, which requires stable price feeds for their platform. This will ensure the proper pricing and functionality of their sales platform. We are also excited to list our own high-quality NFTs through their platform for the community.” — Damon Zwarich, CMO of Charli3
We’re very excited for this partnership to flourish once Spores Network and Charli3 are both live on Cardano.
About Charli3
CHARLI3 is the first decentralized oracle solution for the Cardano network that interacts with resources outside of, and on, the Cardano blockchain. CHARLI3 is a powerful intermediary using smart contracts to interface with off-chain data in an efficient and decentralized manner. By being native to Cardano’s blockchain, it will have the lowest barrier to entry for functioning as the standard decentralized oracle of all Cardano-based projects. CHARLI3 will be the clear choice for any project building on the Cardano blockchain.
About Spores
Spores Network founders believe that crypto will lead to decentralization of ownership and frictionless redistribution of capital. Their mission is to create an NFT ecosystem that is creator-centric, community-driven, frictionless, and borderless. To that end, Spores has built a cross-chain DeFi-powered NFT marketplace defining decentralized pop culture, sharing NFT content across gaming, esports, animation/anime, digital fine arts, music, and film/TV. Spores co-founders include Duc Luu (Nasdaq IPOed serial entrepreneur ), Eric Hung Nguyen (former senior investment analyst at a top-10-worldwide hedge fund), and a diverse team of advisors across blockchain and entertainment.
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