Charli3 Oracle’s 1st integrator! Liqwid

3 min readApr 6, 2023


The day is finally here!


Charli3’s Oracles have been integrated by Liqwid, a major defi project on Cardano.

This is a MAJOR occasion for our two companies, but also for the Cardano ecosystem as a whole, showing that projects are following the continuous push for full decentralization on Cardano. Along with Liqwid’s integration, there is also another announcement!

Liqwid is integrating Charli3 price feeds (SHEN/USD, and ADA/USD to begin with) to receive continuous price data in a decentralized process to secure collateral, loan origination, and liquidations in the Liqwid protocol. Liqwid also plans a host of new feeds to support emerging demand for new markets on their platform.

“Charli3 is Cardano’s first decentralized oracle infrastructure on mainnet, working with the talented developers that built this protocol and seeing their clear vision for the evolution of Cardano DeFi has been insightful and super motivating!” — Liqwid co-founder DC

This first integration for Charli3 Oracles is a monumental milestone. Following our simple main net first price feed launch in September 2021, our main net product launch in October 2022, and our full Vasil era product update on February 14th 2023, we now have the first users of the product.

By use of Charli3 Oracles, Liqwid is paving the way to expand decentralization and security within Cardano defi, setting the best example for new projects building on Cardano to focus on security, reliability, and safety.

2nd announcement

until now, Charli3 Oracles connected to external, off-chain, APIs to perform price aggregations, leaving on-chain CNTs out. However, with the launch of the SHEN/ADA feed for Liqwid, we show this new capability to perform accurate CNT price aggregations using the Charli3 Node Network. This on-chain ability was helped greatly by the Muesliswap team, showing further cooperation between major projects on Cardano. This opens up more possibilities on-chain for many new projects to secure trust in their platform offerings to the community.

The integration work with Liqwid has been fantastic and professional. This process is the main reason we have CNT aggregation capability so quickly within our node network, due to the consistent work of our talented developers. This work together is exciting for future developments of Liqwid markets and new protocols” — Charli3 Co-Founder, Damon Zwarich


Liqwid is an algorithmic and non-custodial liquidity market protocol built on Cardano for lenders and borrowers. Users can securely earn interest on deposits and borrow assets with ease while earning yield on ADA from multiple revenue streams.

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Charli3 is Cardano’s first oracle provider. Charli3’s decentralized node network provides the framework for projects to supply secure, accurate, and safe data to their platforms and communities. This on-chain and off-chain data can take many forms, in asset prices, weather, gaming results, sporting results, etc etc….. We bring the network of data to your door.

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