Charli3 TECH:
- Setup an end-to-end integration test connecting API, backend, and C3 contract on private testnet
- Automated creation of node, wallet, chain-index, and PAB for running contracts with docker-compose
- Added token authentication to backend API
In Progress
- Setup multiple contracts with different data sources and test simultaneous update/aggregation in private testnet
- Add additional endpoints connecting backend API with contract
- Setup GraphQL and transaction explorer for private testnet
- Create a front-end user interface for interacting with the backend accessing the contracts and APIs
- Refactor oracle aggregation validator for reducing the script size and workaround for the PAB error with Tx balancing
- Update onchain tests with a new unit testing Haskell library
- Tech talk Twitter Spaces: Every Tuesday with the Charli3 devs to go over these weekly updates with the community
- Catalyst Fund 8: 2 Proposals incoming. 1) increase community price feed coffers. 2) create dev. portal to supplement ease of attaching to Oracle Community feeds…..The two proposals work with each other.
- Charli3 Cuties CNFTs are 80% sold out. Awaiting new news for future Utility
- Extra marketing efforts around the CNT, Bridge, Listing, Catalyst Proposals, and Merchandising.