- The ERC20-CNT bridge is nearly here through Cardstarter and on ADAX Cex. Please keep an eye out for details
- Upgraded to latest plutus-apps with fixes to chain-index and PAB
- Deployed and started performance testing of oracle contract on public testnet
- Created new minting policy for NFTs used for identifying UTXOs
- Added a new function to upgrade the oracle contract to newer version
- Added a new function to stop and close the oracle contract
- Added error handling, integration tests to the frontend
- Added a feature to edit oracle settings to the frontend
- Refactored and redesigned the backend to improve performance
In Progress
- Setup continuous price feed oracle with 4 nodes on public testnet
- Backend and oracle contract reliability testing for the price feed
- Implement new minting policy in the oracle
- Refactor backend to implement new design changes
- Add backend and node monitoring tools
- Continue working on optimizing the oracle contract
- Community contests for C3 Prizes (riddles on Twitter and Discord invites)
- Discord invite contest starts today.
- Cuties NFTs mint continuation coming after CNT launch
- 1 year anniversary announcements on the 27th