- Tested all the endpoints of simple C3 contract on private testnet
- Tested libraries required for setting up the C3 contract test suite
- Setup backend components required for running test suite and integration
In Progress
- Integrate backend with simple C3 contract and run an end-to-end test connecting API, backend and C3 contract on private testnet
- Setup an automated test suite for testing the contract endpoints on private testnet
- Refactor oracle aggregation validator for aggregating multiple nodes to suit the network constraints — Phase II
- CNFT collection “C3 Cuties” art completed.
- marketing for CNFTs nearing
- Website revamp in early discussion
- Charli3 will be featured at NFT Expoverse in July, with CMO Damon as a speaker
- CDA (cardano defi alliance) to also be at NFT expoverse.
- Speaking with many platforms to host our CNT token
- Still testing CNT bridging with