Charli3 is headed to Lausanne Switzerland for the Cardano Summit, and our Cuties are coming with us! Will you come along too?
2 adventures to be had! finding your favorite location with your Cutie, and, Geoguessing the team! will you be the best detective and win?
Get your cuties ready for these adventures through Lausanne.
Adventure #1, CUTIES ADVENTURE! (Rewards: 5 cuties, 1500 C3 tokens)
- Take any Cutie (no need to own one), find a place in Lausanne you love the look of and post the picture with your cutie in it!
- 5 winners (1 Cutie and 300 C3 each)
- Random winners from participants
- Tag 2 of your favorite NFT projects and 2 NFT friends. and hash #Charli3Cuties
Adventure #2, FIND THE TEAM! (Rewards: 3 Cuties (rare, epic, or legendary rarity) 1500 C3 tokens.
- Guess the place the Team is hiding in Lausanne and get the reward!
- The first one to find the secret location on Google Maps and posts a picture with their Cutie, gets the prize!
- **Cutie ownership proof required**
- 3 winners ( 1 Cutie (of higher rarity), and 500 C3 tokens each )
We look forward to building an awesome journey with you and your cuties through Lausanne !